Bluehost Web Hosting Help
Delete a resold account in WHM
In November 2014 Bluehost announced that it will no longer be accepting new shared Reseller hosting signups. As part of that announcement, Bluehost announced a partnership with ResellerClub wherein Bluehost is recommending ResellerClub as the hosting partner of choice for Reseller hosting.
To learn more about this change please see: Reseller Hosting Services FAQ
Terminating an account will delete the account and remove all of the data from the server. This may be necessary if the user cancels hosting, upgrades, moves providers, breaches their contract, or a number of other potential reasons.
Deleting The Account
- Login to your Bluehost Control Panel
- Click List Customer Accounts, listed under Customer Account Management
- Find the row that has the account you want to delete and to the far right, click Delete.
- Click the Delete button to remove the account.

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